lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

That's All Folks!

Hi bloggers!

Every good thing in the life and in the world has an end. In in this chance there will not exceptions. What I am talking about? Well guys, it is the last post of the semester.

I will not bring to you an extravagant and exotic “interesting thing” like all the others posts, but it will be a time for synthetize the work that I have realized in the past weeks.

I think that the blog was a very helpful tool for remember the use of this world-known language.  And in my opinion, write a post every Monday in the morning was a good way for to wake up fueled with energy.  I enjoyed doing it because have passed a lot of time since the last time I had this subject, around 5 years ago, if my mind don´t play me tricks.

My favorite post was the post about one of my favorite TV series, when I wrote about “Pokémon”.  The reason is because in that moment I felt inside my veins the freedom for to write and write and write without limit. And when I finished it, I realize that the post contained the double of words that were required xD

My least favorite post was the post about a friend, because was very hard for me to decide for only one of them.  It was an unfair moment.

Remembering the blogs of my classmates, the blog that I liked was the blog of Natalia, called “Nessa Palantir J “, because she posted about games and TV series that I like, making me smile . I wrote in her blog every week, I believe.

In esthetic terms and in contents terms too, I think that the blog of Beatriz was the most interesting. Why? Because I like her mode of write up in English, and the combination of colors in the bottom of her blog is amazing!

In synopsis, I could to say that the blog was a very useful method for remember a language that I have forgot a bit, but that I always loved. Writing every week help me to improve my abilities and comment in the post of my buddies was an excellent way for improvise my writing in English J ; although I must to get better my vocabulary! That’s my goal! :D

Good Bye! :D


lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Gotta Catch'Em All!

Hi bloggers!

I hope you enjoy the return to class, and for beginning, this Monday I bring you other very interesting thing!

What will be our theme this week?

Part of my more appreciated regards from I was a child, are definitely the TV shows that I watched, and one of my favorite is the anime called “Pokémon”.

You know to Pikachu? Hahahaha! I bet you know that extremely famous and cute electric mouse. It is the icon of this series and everybody associate the term “Pokémon” with the image of this charismatic creature.

Well, Pokémon (abbreviated from “Pocket Monsters” was released in Japan on 1997, and I watched the first episode, translated to Latin-American Spanish on 1999. This anime is about the adventures of a child of Pallet Town called Ash Ketchum (In the original language he is “Satoshi” instead), tripping around the Pokémon World with his best friend, the creature known as Pikachu. The Pokémon World is featured by the existence of those creatures called “Pokémon” that have diverse appearances, since animal form at some with impressive human looks! And the humans in that world take action as “Pokémon Trainers”, improving the skill of the Pokémon that they caught by the use of technological gadgets known as “Pokeballs”, increasing the bond between the trainer and his Pokémon, and fighting in friendly combats with other trainers. Well, the main protagonist, Ash, dream to turn in a Pokémon Master, an elite trainer recognized for the entire world, and have the goal of catch every species of Pokémon existing in the world.  And that was the reason for begin his journey, at his 10 years old, the age necessary for to receive the official license as trainer. Then, to each new trainer was given their first Pokémon between, and in the case of Ash, the Professor Oak, the local Pokémon researcher, gives to him to Pikachu.  They two start their relation with problems but their friendship rose when Ash defends to Pikachu from the attack of wild Pokémon.  That is the origin of all!

I loved to watch that anime! The story, the characters and the different types of Pokémon involve me at the point of to see every season of the anime, all the movies and everything related with this!  And with the pass of the time, I collected a lot of things about the franchise, turning into a fervent fanatic!

A lot of years have passed since Pokémon was launched, the number of Pokémon have increased from the original 150 at around 700! But I love it anyways! And I think that I will be a fan of the Pokémon World forever and ever!

See you!
Pikachu + Ash = Years of fun! :D

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

We Are Young!

Hi bloggers!!

In this opportunity I will touch a topic very personal, charged with subjectivism: a song. Not my favorite song, because choose only one could be a chaos, but I will talk you about a song that I like so much, and like other times, it was a little hard for me the choice.

Which song I have chosen? A beautiful one called “Kick Ass (We Are Young)”, sung by the British singer  “Mika”, contemporaneous, that plays pop music, pop rock, glam rock, between others styles; and produced by the famous Moroccan producer and songwriter “RedOne”. This song was released as single of the British superhero action comedy film called “Kick Ass”. The release of the movie and the release of the song were on 2010.

The first time when I listened it was on the early 2012, searching for more Mika’s songs in “Youtube”. In that place I knew the official video of the song too, and I loved it since the beginning. What is the reason? Because the lyrics of “Kick Ass” remember you that you never should forget your own strength, your inner power, your will. And what that hidden force within us is capable for change the world of each one of us, and the entire world If we propose it. The energy of the music and the powerful lyrics make an amazing song that gives you the spirit for start your day with a smile, remembering that “We are the dream, no other way to be”...

See you!

The official video! Enjoy it! :D