lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

That's All Folks!

Hi bloggers!

Every good thing in the life and in the world has an end. In in this chance there will not exceptions. What I am talking about? Well guys, it is the last post of the semester.

I will not bring to you an extravagant and exotic “interesting thing” like all the others posts, but it will be a time for synthetize the work that I have realized in the past weeks.

I think that the blog was a very helpful tool for remember the use of this world-known language.  And in my opinion, write a post every Monday in the morning was a good way for to wake up fueled with energy.  I enjoyed doing it because have passed a lot of time since the last time I had this subject, around 5 years ago, if my mind don´t play me tricks.

My favorite post was the post about one of my favorite TV series, when I wrote about “Pokémon”.  The reason is because in that moment I felt inside my veins the freedom for to write and write and write without limit. And when I finished it, I realize that the post contained the double of words that were required xD

My least favorite post was the post about a friend, because was very hard for me to decide for only one of them.  It was an unfair moment.

Remembering the blogs of my classmates, the blog that I liked was the blog of Natalia, called “Nessa Palantir J “, because she posted about games and TV series that I like, making me smile . I wrote in her blog every week, I believe.

In esthetic terms and in contents terms too, I think that the blog of Beatriz was the most interesting. Why? Because I like her mode of write up in English, and the combination of colors in the bottom of her blog is amazing!

In synopsis, I could to say that the blog was a very useful method for remember a language that I have forgot a bit, but that I always loved. Writing every week help me to improve my abilities and comment in the post of my buddies was an excellent way for improvise my writing in English J ; although I must to get better my vocabulary! That’s my goal! :D

Good Bye! :D


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