viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

In A World Like This

Hi Bloggers!

In the first post of this semester, I must to develop a “Free Topic Post”…

“Free Topic”… Is very hard for me decide me when I must choose between a universe of possibilities, and I must add, possibilities that I love.  

Without more doubts, let me introduce you my first post called: “In A World Like This”.

What’s the meaning of the title? Well, one of the music bands that I have liked since I was a child is, definitively, a extremely famous American music group called “Backstreet Boys”. Yeah, I bet you have listened to some song of these boys at least. Their repertory is wide: songs like “Larger than life”, “I want in that way”, “Inconsolable”, “Show me the meaning of being lonely”, etc. For the lovers of the pop music, like me, that group will remain in our better memories forever.

And coming back to the core idea of the post, this year 2013, these boys celebrated their 20 years of career, a career fueled with amazing moments and misadventures too, with the release of their new album called: “In A World Like This”. Personally, I choose this topic because I have listened the entire album few weeks ago and this could be a good opportunity for give my opinion about this.

Although this new album is not like the others in the strict sense of the pop music that characterized the band since the origin, with sounds suitable for choreographies, “In A World Like This” shows to the fans a hidden side of the boys, more mature because they reach the age of paternity and the content in the songs change too. But I loved it. This disc was a good chance for the group for take advantage of the actual music, and to mix that with a “BSB” scent.  Romantic songs like “Permanent Stain” and “One Phone Call” are in my head since days ago, and I believe that the entire world will enjoy every particle and fragment of this amazing album and will enjoy too this new perspective about this iconic band.
                                                            The Cover! :D

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