lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

V.I.P. Moment!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk you about another very very very interesting matter. But, before I will start writing about that, let me say that I´m brimming of happiness because the actual weather finally seems like an autumn weather xD
Well, today I will write about a friend. Really was very difficult for me to choose, I haven’t a “best friend”, I considered I have a number of friends and all of them are appreciated for me.
But I must take a decision, and I will talk you about “Toño”. Well, his real name isn’t “Toño”. His name is “Antonio” and let me tell you a secret: he doesn´t like that nickname too much, but everybody in our group say to him in that way, by affection. He has 22 years old and is from Rancagua.
I meet to him on March 2009, the reason? In that year I started my first time in the University (In this University), studying Veterinary; and Toño and I were career partners. Curiously, we had a person in common: a Toño´s Cousin was too a friend that I meet working in the summer of that year!
And well, since the beginning of this adventure, he and I were good friends, until this day!
He was very shy in when I meet him, but with the pass of the years he was getting along…and now he is a problem child hahahaha! I remember when we went to parties the first year of university, and he didn’t drink anything but drinks without alcohol…but now…he continually scold me because I don’t like that kind of drinks and I don’t want to share a bottle of rum and not even a beer with him and my other friends xD but is my choice, and after that instant, he is bothering me again and saying that I was cool before, when I liked that hahaha! But he is a good boy. Is very trustworthy and I like whe we are talking about the life, our problems and our love sorrows hahahaha! I must accept that was a little fun when we drown our sorrows xD Was a funny moment in my life, and we laugh remembering the things that we have done. Actually, we don´t see us very much, by my class and his work (He suspended his studies for a year, but the next one he will come back to the career that he most love in the world, and the career that join to us:  Veterinary. But I keep in touch with him, in fact, I speak with him every day xD
In addition, we are playing the same online game, League of Legends (And in occasions, one called World of Warcraft, but it is a pay-per-play game and I only pay it from time to time), so that reinforce our friendship. Although sometimes we had little discussions about this xD but that make us enjoy a little more the game, insulting us or blaming to the worst player of this game.

And well, either playing, going out or speaking while he drinks a beer and I drink a mineral water for women, we always have a good time, and I hope that we will continue being friends until we become old. A pair of grandpas with pipes that remember the times when they was playing until lose their corneas.
One of my favorites photographs, from the left: Toño, Chelo, Milo, Max, Pablo, Daniel and I'm the clown in the middle of them.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Steel Twins!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk you about another interesting topic. "Do you have a favorite building?" The teacher asks that question to me and to my classmates. That was a bit complicated to resolve, because I love so many buildings. Really was very hard for me to choose just one. But I finally decided on one of the most controversial buildings since the beginning of the century.

The “World Trade Center”. And, specifically the “Twin Towers”, as people called these iron giants amid NYC. As everybody knows, those buildings are no longer on their site, since September 11, 2001; due to a terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda (That's what says the official news. There’re many speculations about the "real causes". Feel you free to search more information).

Let´s talk about the building!
For begin, I don’t remember exactly when the “World Trade Center” phrase was a recognizable thing for me. But I always had the image of these enormous pieces of steel as reference when someone said “USA”. I always like this structure because I've always loved the buildings unnecessarily high! Something catches my attention of those constructions that threaten the laws of physics.
 The main towers complex was constituted of two structures, the North Tower and the South Tower, each one over the 400 meters high, and around of 110 stories. The North tower was the tallest building in the world for a time, with 527 meters high thanks to a tall antenna! The towers began to be built in the middle of the decade of the 60s, and were inaugurated in the early 70s. Those were built, as its name says, to organizations directly taking part in “world trade” and financial companies. The towers were where one the most concurred and active flow of money and transactions took place. The appearance was the typical for a skyscraper: most tall than wide, a windowed view from outside, a rectangular classical form, and according to sources, is estimated that the Twin Towers contained 200,000 tons of steel, 325,000 cubic meters of concrete, 300,000 square meters of glass area corresponding to 43,600 windows, 198 elevators with an average capacity of 55 people, 71 escalators! D:

The edifices were mixed very well with their surroundings, principally for the reason that the environment was involved on a business atmosphere, and the others buildings had a similar facade and structure. I think the citizens were very proud in relation to the existence of this kind of buildings on their city. When the terrorist attack occurred, thanks to the worldwide broadcasting of the epoch, I could watch the truth impact that the incident caused on the people. There wasn’t only an aggression against the dominant economic system:  that day a symbol of the American patriotism was killed. Those make me think about the value and identity that the people give to their space, including this unanimated part of the space…things that I will not treat in this post xD but is something for to keep in mind!

See you the next time! :3

                                          The WTC, with the twins in the middle! 

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Meeting to Pyramid Head!

Hi bloggers! In this opportunity i will talk you about an interesting matter or at least for me.

I will talk you about a photo that I have taken some time ago. It was taken the past year, in February, during the Anime Expo Summer 2012, an exhibition or festival dedicated to join together all the anime and videogames fans from Chile, that was celebrated in Santiago, specifically in the enclosed area named “Estación Mapocho” . This festival takes place all the years in two occasions: one in the summer and the other in the winter.

Well, in the photo appears a guy dressing a costume of a character of the “Silent Hill” series. I don´t know who is this guy, but I loved his costume, because I’m a follower of that franchise!

The character that inspired the disguise is called “Pyramid Head” or “Red Pyramid Thing”, a kind of extremely violent and bloody executioner that only the people visiting the town of “Silent Hill” can see, and only if they feel a sense of guilty and they want to be punished.  Trying summarizing a bit, Silent Hill is a fictitious ghost town located, apparently, in California, USA. The town is cursed by events on the past, and a sort of monster appears to the visitors, based in their own emotional traumas. The storyline of the series is a little convoluted and strange, but when you understand it, you can´t leave it!

This is the guy!


lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Creed in Chile!

Hi bloggers! In this opportunity i will talk you about a very important moment in my life, that happening the last year: The spectacular concert of the famed american band called “Creed” in Chile.
   Scott Staph, the legendary vocalist (Photo taken by myself :D )

The concert took place in the famous “Teatro Caupolican”, located in the middle of Santiago, in November.  I went with my little brother, Nicolás, and his classmate and friend of a life, Carlos, or Carlitos, how he like the people call to him. The show was a Wednesday, I had class in the morning, and at midday I went quickly to the bus station for to wait to my brother and his friend. We took a fast lunch, and our odyssey began.  We were in a stressing queue and the heat doesn’t help too much. In the surroundings the vendors of merchandising with the word “Creed” wrote in its. I was very motivated, cause I don´t go frequently to that kind of spectacles, cause I had a very sad experienceL. In the 2012, was officially announced the first coming of Sum 41, a band that I love, to our country…and with the ticket in my hand, sorrowfully I saw the news about the suspending of the show.
Mark Tremonti, a guitar genius (In the middle) and Brian Marshall, the extraordinary Creed's bassist (To the left). This Photo was also taken by myself!

Well, but it isn’t the important in this case. The point is that we enjoyed a beautiful and energetic show! The leader, Scott, singed the best themes, the remembered by their anxious listeners in Chile, and the end of the performance with “My Sacrifice”, their most celebrated song, was a epic moment! The heat occasioned by the crowd and the excitement of the people doesn’t matter when you feel something like this! The only “Sacrifice” was the wait for the start, then was only screams, smiles and a throat hurting to the next day!
My Sacrifice, their greatest song. That was Amazing!