sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Steel Twins!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk you about another interesting topic. "Do you have a favorite building?" The teacher asks that question to me and to my classmates. That was a bit complicated to resolve, because I love so many buildings. Really was very hard for me to choose just one. But I finally decided on one of the most controversial buildings since the beginning of the century.

The “World Trade Center”. And, specifically the “Twin Towers”, as people called these iron giants amid NYC. As everybody knows, those buildings are no longer on their site, since September 11, 2001; due to a terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda (That's what says the official news. There’re many speculations about the "real causes". Feel you free to search more information).

Let´s talk about the building!
For begin, I don’t remember exactly when the “World Trade Center” phrase was a recognizable thing for me. But I always had the image of these enormous pieces of steel as reference when someone said “USA”. I always like this structure because I've always loved the buildings unnecessarily high! Something catches my attention of those constructions that threaten the laws of physics.
 The main towers complex was constituted of two structures, the North Tower and the South Tower, each one over the 400 meters high, and around of 110 stories. The North tower was the tallest building in the world for a time, with 527 meters high thanks to a tall antenna! The towers began to be built in the middle of the decade of the 60s, and were inaugurated in the early 70s. Those were built, as its name says, to organizations directly taking part in “world trade” and financial companies. The towers were where one the most concurred and active flow of money and transactions took place. The appearance was the typical for a skyscraper: most tall than wide, a windowed view from outside, a rectangular classical form, and according to sources, is estimated that the Twin Towers contained 200,000 tons of steel, 325,000 cubic meters of concrete, 300,000 square meters of glass area corresponding to 43,600 windows, 198 elevators with an average capacity of 55 people, 71 escalators! D:

The edifices were mixed very well with their surroundings, principally for the reason that the environment was involved on a business atmosphere, and the others buildings had a similar facade and structure. I think the citizens were very proud in relation to the existence of this kind of buildings on their city. When the terrorist attack occurred, thanks to the worldwide broadcasting of the epoch, I could watch the truth impact that the incident caused on the people. There wasn’t only an aggression against the dominant economic system:  that day a symbol of the American patriotism was killed. Those make me think about the value and identity that the people give to their space, including this unanimated part of the space…things that I will not treat in this post xD but is something for to keep in mind!

See you the next time! :3

                                          The WTC, with the twins in the middle! 

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