lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

V.I.P. Moment!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk you about another very very very interesting matter. But, before I will start writing about that, let me say that I´m brimming of happiness because the actual weather finally seems like an autumn weather xD
Well, today I will write about a friend. Really was very difficult for me to choose, I haven’t a “best friend”, I considered I have a number of friends and all of them are appreciated for me.
But I must take a decision, and I will talk you about “Toño”. Well, his real name isn’t “Toño”. His name is “Antonio” and let me tell you a secret: he doesn´t like that nickname too much, but everybody in our group say to him in that way, by affection. He has 22 years old and is from Rancagua.
I meet to him on March 2009, the reason? In that year I started my first time in the University (In this University), studying Veterinary; and Toño and I were career partners. Curiously, we had a person in common: a Toño´s Cousin was too a friend that I meet working in the summer of that year!
And well, since the beginning of this adventure, he and I were good friends, until this day!
He was very shy in when I meet him, but with the pass of the years he was getting along…and now he is a problem child hahahaha! I remember when we went to parties the first year of university, and he didn’t drink anything but drinks without alcohol…but now…he continually scold me because I don’t like that kind of drinks and I don’t want to share a bottle of rum and not even a beer with him and my other friends xD but is my choice, and after that instant, he is bothering me again and saying that I was cool before, when I liked that hahaha! But he is a good boy. Is very trustworthy and I like whe we are talking about the life, our problems and our love sorrows hahahaha! I must accept that was a little fun when we drown our sorrows xD Was a funny moment in my life, and we laugh remembering the things that we have done. Actually, we don´t see us very much, by my class and his work (He suspended his studies for a year, but the next one he will come back to the career that he most love in the world, and the career that join to us:  Veterinary. But I keep in touch with him, in fact, I speak with him every day xD
In addition, we are playing the same online game, League of Legends (And in occasions, one called World of Warcraft, but it is a pay-per-play game and I only pay it from time to time), so that reinforce our friendship. Although sometimes we had little discussions about this xD but that make us enjoy a little more the game, insulting us or blaming to the worst player of this game.

And well, either playing, going out or speaking while he drinks a beer and I drink a mineral water for women, we always have a good time, and I hope that we will continue being friends until we become old. A pair of grandpas with pipes that remember the times when they was playing until lose their corneas.
One of my favorites photographs, from the left: Toño, Chelo, Milo, Max, Pablo, Daniel and I'm the clown in the middle of them.

3 comentarios:

  1. Great history and bohemian picture!
    unforgettable moments!

  2. ahaha good friends!, great picture,
    is nice it have good friends, and more a best friend!

  3. I wiill be millionaire and I will get my degree in Geography also I will pay for play Wow I will be
    of the HORDE and finally will kill you.

    I am not Michael Jackson jajajajajaja xDDD
