viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Hi bloggers! How are you? I´m tired like every Friday, but I must admit that I have a little smile because the month, the last month, is moving forward!

Well, the topic of this week makes my head hurt, because I stayed around of 5 minutes thinking about what write this time. The reason: there are so many possibilities about to write!

A game I enjoyed playing as a child. I played chess too, but I´m not god in that. But I really love other strategy games, and here appear the trading card games (TCG). The trading card games are collectible games characterized by the access to an enormous number of cards with different abilities, and then the player is able to customize his “deck” with a diverse selection of cards. Deck is the name for the pile of cards what the player uses for play. There are a lot of funny and world-known trading cards games in the actuality, like Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, Yu Gi Oh!, World of Warcraft, Vanguard, between others. In Chile was produced a very played TCG, called “Mitos y Leyendas”, characterized because the prices were too accessible in comparison with the international TCG, so it was a successful in its epoch. Well, I played trough of my life various TCG and that helped to me for to learn about different worlds, as a way for to learn about the English language, as a entertaining way, and as a way for to know a lot of different people, but with a common interest: the cards games. I loved to play cards tournaments every Saturday when I was in the school. The first TCG I played was Pokémon, because I was familiarized with the TV series. That was when I had 11years old, I think, or 10 maybe. However, the following TCG I played was Mitos y Leyendas and Yu Gi Oh, almost simultaneously, and well, “Mitos” was most attractive because was cheaper than the others. Between my greatest achievements playing cards was a 3th place in a Regional Tournament of “Mitos y Leyendas”, and my record of 1-1 versus the regional champion of that years (and my neighbor). Then I grew up, and the TCG were taking apart, at least competitively, because I need to invert my time and money in these thing, but I play with my friends and family when I have the opportunity, remembering the older days. I think my last tournament will be the National Tournament of Yu Gi Oh!, the last year on April, because it will be a nice way of to say goodbye to the TCG and gather the good memories, because regardless which was the game, I was so happy playing it J

See you!
Kangaskhan! One of my first Pokémon Cards!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi raul
    I played cards too, when i was in the school, is a really good game.
    See you

  2. I played cards too, but I only played carioca xd, I don't play with others cards.
    See you Raul! :)

  3. I never played with this type of card just the traditional ones. I know lots of people who learnt English with strategy card games though.

  4. Hello Raúl !
    I never played this game. Yes, I remember but I never played. Although, if I played of “tazo”. I hope your well.

  5. Jajaja Raul xd When I was a child I remember that I played this game in the school with friends
    See you
