viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Following the Irwin and Corwin legacy!

Hi bloggers!

How are you? If you have read my other post you will remember my love for the Fridays! What awful day…above all for the beginning of the harder month of the semester…but well, it´s time to use the last charge of batteries of die J

The post of this week is related with a very interesting thing again. I will miss the post-making-Fridays, I must accept it. Following with the main thread, in this opportunity I will talk you about a job I would like to do.

Choose for only one wasn´t hard this time, because since I was a child I have dreaming with a future doing this job: being the main star of a TV show related with animals! Probably you will remember to the famous Dog Whisperer Cesar Millán, but my dream is not appointing to the job that men do. My dream Is more connected with the TV shows of one explorer finding animals wherever he travels around the world, and teaching about those animals to the audience. Do you remember to Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter? Someone like him! Exploring the world, entering to the Amazonas only searching for a little viper; digging into the earth for find the mystical caverns where the Axolotl lives; crossing the savage savanna and making contact with the majesties felines whose domains that land, and an infinity of experiences like these!

That job would be the better job in the world for me! What’s the reason? Well, since I was a little child, the core of my interests has been the study of the animals; I remember my first books, about the description of the mammals, and my favorite one: my first book about the animal conduct.  By that reason I think I will be the greatest TV show explorer of all times! (Bear Grylls is too fake xD ).

The only what I need is study Zoology, I hope someday study that career! Is one of the things I more want to do in my life! Studying in the USA will be the better, or Australia.

My inspiration is certainly a guy called Jeff Corwin. I really like Steve Irwin and his enormous legacy, but Jeff was who makes me love that TV shows, with his program called “The Jeff Corwin Experience” that I watched in Animal Planet. The capacity of teach to everybody who is watching the program, carrying to the people to exotic countries, showing to them fantastic and unknown animals, and maybe, helping to create at the distance another Jeff or Steve J  

And well, I love his sense of humor too! He is a master!

See you!


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Raul, how are you? In some moment I also wanted to be like Steve Irwin jajaja.. maybe you can be the next Steve someday!
    See you later :)

  2. Hello Raúl!
    Is a little dangerous this job, but at the same time is so adrenalin hahahaha
