viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Walking with the rain!

Hi bloggers! How are you?

I´m dying in this moment. I understand that some people love the heat and that all, but come on! 32°C in Santiago???? Do you really like an inferno like that? I respect the different opinions, but loving temperatures like that during the SPRING is ridiculous…and the summer is coming D: …. Damn homothermous system….

Well, the post of this week is about a walk I would like to do again. A walk brings to my mind a trip characterized by a landscape like a hill, or a road though the desert… but I don´t remember an activity realized by me in my life. In that case, I will talk you about a good memory related with the action of walk, above all with the awful context created by this absurd temperature.

On 2008, when I was in my last year of school, the class finished at 12:00 and a powerful rain was fallen above the city. The city was Rancagua, where my school was located. Everybody ran quickly to their houses, but me. I really like the rain, and I’ve always loved the winter and the autumn (only the second stage of this, by the arrival of the cold and the beginning of the rains!).  I saw the streets covered by water, the dark clouds and I felt the almost strong wind. I was so happy! And after that, I started my little journey around the city. The streets were practically without people and that was amazing too, because I don’t like the chaos created by the accumulation of people in the small places, like a sidewalk. My trip didn’t had something incredible or fantastic, only was the rain with me, both walking around an empty city. I’ve always remember that day, because simple things like that makes me happy J

I didn’t use an umbrella, and generally I don’t use that objects. Yeah, I know that my health could be in problems if I risk my body to situations of “bad weather” like that, but I would do the same again every time I would have the opportunity!  

See you!
Only leave your umbrella in home and enjoy the rain! :D

3 comentarios:

  1. I love the winter and the rains days, although it seems the most people don’t like xd
    Regards classmate!

  2. Walking with the rain is the best, but the bad thing is catch a cold
    See you!

  3. Hi Raul! I hate the summer and spring, for this temperature, but I love spring for her natural colours and I love to walk in winter and obviously with rain!! For this reason I love the south of chile.
    See you :)
