lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


Hi bloggers!
Wow, I must accept I completely forgot write a post the last Friday, as I didn´t went to the class of that day. But well,  I will show you other interesting topic this week, as usually.

The future. Since I was a child, that word brings me the idea of a hyper-technologized world, with robots making our work, laser guns, flying cars and maybe some space monsters living with us… I think that crazy but very “normal” idea I had, was the product of the interaction of Hollywood with my brain. But leaving apart that future with a Jetsons-style, is the moment for talk about a nearer futuristic epoch.

In 10 years more, I think I will be (or I should be in that moment) a Geographer. A Geographer trying to do a mixture of that discipline I studied with one of my greatest passion: the Biology. A bio-geography with an animal view could be interesting. If my savings capacity allows me, I hope to live in a quiet place. I really like Santiago sometimes, but I think it is not a place for to live forever, for me at least.
But if I achieve earn so much money…well, Australia could be a priceless option :D !!!
In 10 years I will have 33 years old. I will be so old! But having that age, I hope to have my own family, with 1 or 2 children :D ! And my wife, obviously.

I will still having communication with my current friends? I hope it. An activity we want to do in the future is remember every stupid thing we did together. Those stories couldn’t be the better example for our sons, but I´m sure it worth it.

 I don´t believe that the world will experiment changes in a big scale during the next 10 years; the disappearing of little countries by reunification or the segmentation of other countries at most.  But talking about the global warming and that all, I don’t hope so many differences. Maybe another black president in USA… or in Chile, only lets your imagination fly!

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