viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Andrias Japonicus!

Hi bloggers!

How are you? I´m a little confused because I didn´t realize the teacher was in the lab when I thought he wasn’t came to the university today. Well, that was a strange way for start a Friday.

What’s the topic of this week? (Originally this week, I know that I made my last post too late xD ) Well, I’ve always been a fanatic of all the related with the nature, and above all, with the living beings. That includes trees, sponges, archaeas, dinosaurs, crustaceous, swans, jellyfishes, inclusive the protozoans! But loving them and all that, I’ve never had a pet… Maybe I had opportunities in the past for adopt one pet, but I decide share my life with one, only when I be independent, at least in my own economy.  
But thinking about the future, there are so many pets I would like to have! Sincerely I´m afraid of turn my first house into a zoo…But well, I have to choice for only one this time, so I will choice a little boy called “Giant Salamander”!

What’s a Giant Salamander strictly?  A Giant Salamander is that: an enormous salamander!

The salamanders are amphibians, although they could seem lizards, by their physical aspect. So the salamanders and the tritons too, have a skin so slimy and oily, like other amphibians.  A salamander likes the wetlands and they are found principally in Asia. As a crazy characteristic, a Salamander is capable of regenerate its limbs! :O Simply amazing guys!

But, a particular species likes to me since a lot of years ago. Is the called Giant Salamander, called of that way because it could have a length of almost 1.5 mts .!!! Only imagine that: you are resting a Saturday in the night with your friends, when suddenly, a giant Japanese lizard-but no lizard appears from the pool and all your friends scream and laugh for the senseless of the scene! Hahahahah that’s hilarious, but I love those animals! Sometimes they are unknown for the most of people and the people fear them, but they are so inoffensive, at least for a human being! So you have nothing for to worry about J  

For the last point, a curious thing about those guys is their long live: they could live at 50 years in captivity! So I believe it would be a good partner for a lot of years J

See you


2 comentarios:

  1. wow! that is a so big salamander, I hope someday you can have a animal like that!
    See you

  2. That is quite amazing! I had no idea they could grow so big.
