viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Shells and Memories!

Hi bloggers! How are you? I´m tired, but I don´t know the reason xD Until today my week have not been so bad. I remember the reason! Today is Friday! And I don´t have many ideas for to write. But let’s do in anyway.

What’s the topic of today? In this opportunity I will talk you about a curious thing. I don´t remember so good the time when it happened, but I estimate I should happen when I had 9 or 10 years old.  My family (my mother, my father and my little brother) and I traveled to the seventh region of Chile, particularly to the coastal city called “Constitucion”. The amazing of the trip was what we didn´t visit that place during the summer, like a normal family do; enjoying the perfect mixture created by the water, the sand and the sun. In fact, we made a trip in the winter, specifically on July of that year that I don´t remember. Yeah, our adventure was marked by the rain, a bit of cold and the strong wind. Personally I liked that journey so much, because I love the winter and the rain fascinate to me. I believe what my mother didn´t like it, since she is not too attached to the cold seasons.  

Talking about what I did in that place, I must be honest: I have mental blocks about since that happened a lot of years ago. But I remember one thing in particular.

One time my brother and I went to the nearest beach while a strong downpour was fallen, and we saw an extraordinary event: in the sand were a lot of exoskeletons of crustaceous and shells of mollusks!  I remember the image so good: the entire sand cover with those leftovers. I didn´t realize the impact of the tides or the waves or anything like that. The only was a beautiful memory about how the nature operates.  

That spectacle teaches me a hidden part of the coastal zones that we can´t see if we visited that places in the summer only :)

See you!
Just imagine something like that, but with rain :D

5 comentarios:

  1. Beach and rain sound a great combination, I hope to travel someday there!
    See you Raúl! :)

  2. Hi
    I am agree with you, is really nice visit the beach at winter because you can do nothing and is really nice to rest.
    See you!

  3. This place must be very wonderful, obviously even with rain, and in summer I imagine it full of people, true? hahaha, see you Raul

  4. I never visited to Constitución, but maybe a someday I will go chininni.
    Careful ! :D

  5. I don´t know Constitución but it must to be interesting to go there.
