domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

A little piece of green!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk about a very interesting thing, but a simple thing too -
Is about a place that I visit each time I can. A beautiful place located in the middle of Santiago, a place that acts like an island in the boring sea of buildings, buses and angry people. What place? The known “Cerro Santa Lucía”.

It is a little hill characterized by an natural ambience mixed with old architecture, next to the main avenue of the center of Santiago, and very near to our university!! Exactly, it is next to “Santa Lucia” and “Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O’higgins” streets.
Why I like this place? It is very quiet in comparison to the rest of the city. You can walk up this hill tranquilly, and arrive to the summit and see the city (At least that the smog prevent you of see much xD).

 I like to go to the “Cerro Santa Lucia” during the afternoon, when the classes have finished.  Is my better way of improve a day! I must admit that the last year I went much in contrast with this year.
I don´t remember exactly he last time I went to the hill, but with my girlfriend love walk up and rest there! :D  We love this fragment of green color inside the sad gray environments! This really cheers up your mood! :D

See you!

A little piece of green in the middle of the city! :D

Entering to Mordor!

Hi bloggers!!

Which theme we will approach this time? Sincerely, like others post, was very difficult for me to decide. And well…What I will talk you about? I will talk you about a book a liked!
Sounds good? Yeah. Many people love to read, entering to fantastic worlds simply decoding words impressed in a paper. It’s fantastic!

Choice only one book took me a lot of minutes, certainly. And really that book that I have chosen isn´t a book, explicitly xD hahahaha!. It is a series of books, a trilogy. A famous trilogy that you must know: The Lord of The Rings.
The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy novel trilogy composed by 3 fascinating books called (In order): The “The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King”. Those 3 books were written by the English J.R.R. Tolkien. There are book that complement these 3, “The Hobbit”, a prequel. Well, this is a franchise well known in the entire world, and there are fantastic movies about this too!

In a birthday, a lot of years ago, my mother gave me the trilogy in form of present. It was a special edition: The three books in a beautiful box. In that moment I didn´t read many books, for except of the titles that were necessaries for the school. At that age, the medieval-kind story captivated me! I really love that stories based in ancient worlds, where the people (humans or not) fight with swords and the valor and honor are seen as primordial things. So, I liked this trilogy because it is about different forces (And different races too, like Humans, Dwarfs, Hobbits, Orcs, Elves) treating with rings of power. These rings are ultimate weapons that have the capacity of help to the owner to conquer and rule all the Middle-earth, as is called the world in that the story takes place.

And without more words, I invite you to enter to the Middle-earth world. A world fill with battles, incredible beasts, travels, kingdoms, and a hypnotic atmosphere that will not left you go away!!! :D
See you in Mordor! :D

:D My books have that kind of cover! I love them!

Introducing "The Undertaker"!

Hi bloggers!!

Can you guess what is coming?
Yes!!! Is time of other very important thing! And which topic we will treat this time? This post is about a person that I admire and I would like to meet: Mark Calaway, or as the entire world call him, The Undertaker.

Mark William Calaway is an American professional wrestler that I have seen since I was a child, in the company of professional wrestling called (Actually) WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). This very famous company is dedicating, as its name says, to a way of entertainment by the telecast of shows about American wrestling. And well, in the roster of WWE Superstars, there is one that highlight over the others, and that one is The Undertaker. He is a legendary wrestler, of around 7 feet tall, that I really like because of his particular fighting style, mixing the “Technical Style” that involves grips and locks, “Brawler Style” that involves fist strikes and the “Powerhouse Style” own of the biggest fighters, characterized by lifts and brutal high-impact movements. That mixture forms his own style, denominated like “Old School”.
In addition, he has an awesome record in the wrestling world. He has a streak of 21-0 in Wrestlemania!!!!.

 Wrestlemania is the greatest wrestling event in the world, and take place one time at year. It is like the “Super Bowl” for the American Football fans, an event well known in the entire world and with millions of people viewing it. Well, “Taker” has the record of 21 years unbeaten on this event, defeating others stars of wrestling like Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

Why I would like meet him? Come on! He is a wrestling living legend!! :D if you know his career, there is nothing more that explain!
If I would meet him, I would ask him to be my trainer and that he teach me his particular moves, like the “Tombstone Piledriver”, the “Hell’s Gate” and the “Chokeslam from Hell”. Maybe you not understand anything that I am talking hahaha and you think that I am crazy, but if you say that words to a lover of wrestling like me, I bet you that you will make smile him!

See you… and REST IN PEACE!

Taker making his traditional entrance! :D

The Undertaker and the World Heavyweight Championship!

Family Holidays!

Hi bloggers!

How are all of you? Have passed a lot of time since the last opportunity that I wrote in this page, really. I must admit my laziness xD. And I must wait that my lethargic state does not involve necessary a bad evaluation xD hahahaha!

Well, coming back to the important for us, as every week, I will talk you about a very very important thing. Do you have a favorite holiday? I don’t. The problem is that I can´t decide for only one! Each summer is a new adventure, with family, with friends, and isn´t righteous talk about only oneL. So, in my negation of chose, I will write about the first vacation that came to my mind. I remember the last time that I traveled with my entire family during a summer for a relax reason. Several years ago, when I had 15 years old, we went to La Serena and surroundings, for last time. We visited family that I don´t see much, and stayed in that region for 2 months! :D We made a lot of funny things, discovering towns, enjoying beaches, but not the traditional bays that all the people visit during the summer time, but hidden places without interruptions of the city! :D Was really amazing!

We frequented typical places too, not  everything could be nature in its free style. Do you know the lighthouse? Probably you know about this. Well, we visited that places too.

Which is the reason for what I remember that holiday? Sounds like any travel with the family, and that is exactly the reason. I miss the time when all the family went to the same place, without preoccupations but create good moments together. All of us have grown up, and gather each member is too hard, practically impossible. But we will remember those good days forever, when play at the sunset was our only worry: 3

See you!