domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

A little piece of green!

Hi bloggers!

In this opportunity I will talk about a very interesting thing, but a simple thing too -
Is about a place that I visit each time I can. A beautiful place located in the middle of Santiago, a place that acts like an island in the boring sea of buildings, buses and angry people. What place? The known “Cerro Santa Lucía”.

It is a little hill characterized by an natural ambience mixed with old architecture, next to the main avenue of the center of Santiago, and very near to our university!! Exactly, it is next to “Santa Lucia” and “Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O’higgins” streets.
Why I like this place? It is very quiet in comparison to the rest of the city. You can walk up this hill tranquilly, and arrive to the summit and see the city (At least that the smog prevent you of see much xD).

 I like to go to the “Cerro Santa Lucia” during the afternoon, when the classes have finished.  Is my better way of improve a day! I must admit that the last year I went much in contrast with this year.
I don´t remember exactly he last time I went to the hill, but with my girlfriend love walk up and rest there! :D  We love this fragment of green color inside the sad gray environments! This really cheers up your mood! :D

See you!

A little piece of green in the middle of the city! :D

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Raul, The "cerro Santa Lucia" is a fantastic place in Santiago,It's great to share with friends and family in this place :)
