viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

2014 + Summer + Friends = New Adventure

Hi bloggers!

How are you? I’m happy because the year is finishing! There are so many things I want to do during the next summer, and that will be the topic of this week. The last English post! :O I think this activity was very useful and funny, I will miss to write about a universe of things Friday to Friday. But well, let’s begin with the last post! :D

The summer is coming and the heat is destroying each gram of my energies, but I have a particular activity I want to do: go to Coquimbo/La Serena with my best friends! This is an idea we planned with so many months of anticipation, because it will be the great rest that we deserve; 2013 was a hard year and very long too, in some aspects. But well, this future journey seems to be an unforgettable moment of our lives, like that movies in where a group of guys share their vacations in the beach, eating anything but spaghettis every day and doing the most crazy and absurdly stupid things in the world! I hope that our trip could be in that way, except by the spaghettis, because one of my best friends knows how to cook a lot of food with a little budget. I think that is a real talent. We have planned to visit the beach in the day and in the night, and when we will have a time for rest, a ridiculously bad movie like Sharknado will be our companion.  I hope to enjoy this summer with my friends, above all because one of them will study in the south of Chile, so the reunions will be less recurrent. Enjoy this summer too! Don´t leave that the 36°C at the shadow of the trees turn your rest into an inferno!

Good bye! :D

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Hi bloggers! How are you? I´m tired like every Friday, but I must admit that I have a little smile because the month, the last month, is moving forward!

Well, the topic of this week makes my head hurt, because I stayed around of 5 minutes thinking about what write this time. The reason: there are so many possibilities about to write!

A game I enjoyed playing as a child. I played chess too, but I´m not god in that. But I really love other strategy games, and here appear the trading card games (TCG). The trading card games are collectible games characterized by the access to an enormous number of cards with different abilities, and then the player is able to customize his “deck” with a diverse selection of cards. Deck is the name for the pile of cards what the player uses for play. There are a lot of funny and world-known trading cards games in the actuality, like Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, Yu Gi Oh!, World of Warcraft, Vanguard, between others. In Chile was produced a very played TCG, called “Mitos y Leyendas”, characterized because the prices were too accessible in comparison with the international TCG, so it was a successful in its epoch. Well, I played trough of my life various TCG and that helped to me for to learn about different worlds, as a way for to learn about the English language, as a entertaining way, and as a way for to know a lot of different people, but with a common interest: the cards games. I loved to play cards tournaments every Saturday when I was in the school. The first TCG I played was Pokémon, because I was familiarized with the TV series. That was when I had 11years old, I think, or 10 maybe. However, the following TCG I played was Mitos y Leyendas and Yu Gi Oh, almost simultaneously, and well, “Mitos” was most attractive because was cheaper than the others. Between my greatest achievements playing cards was a 3th place in a Regional Tournament of “Mitos y Leyendas”, and my record of 1-1 versus the regional champion of that years (and my neighbor). Then I grew up, and the TCG were taking apart, at least competitively, because I need to invert my time and money in these thing, but I play with my friends and family when I have the opportunity, remembering the older days. I think my last tournament will be the National Tournament of Yu Gi Oh!, the last year on April, because it will be a nice way of to say goodbye to the TCG and gather the good memories, because regardless which was the game, I was so happy playing it J

See you!
Kangaskhan! One of my first Pokémon Cards!

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Following the Irwin and Corwin legacy!

Hi bloggers!

How are you? If you have read my other post you will remember my love for the Fridays! What awful day…above all for the beginning of the harder month of the semester…but well, it´s time to use the last charge of batteries of die J

The post of this week is related with a very interesting thing again. I will miss the post-making-Fridays, I must accept it. Following with the main thread, in this opportunity I will talk you about a job I would like to do.

Choose for only one wasn´t hard this time, because since I was a child I have dreaming with a future doing this job: being the main star of a TV show related with animals! Probably you will remember to the famous Dog Whisperer Cesar Millán, but my dream is not appointing to the job that men do. My dream Is more connected with the TV shows of one explorer finding animals wherever he travels around the world, and teaching about those animals to the audience. Do you remember to Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter? Someone like him! Exploring the world, entering to the Amazonas only searching for a little viper; digging into the earth for find the mystical caverns where the Axolotl lives; crossing the savage savanna and making contact with the majesties felines whose domains that land, and an infinity of experiences like these!

That job would be the better job in the world for me! What’s the reason? Well, since I was a little child, the core of my interests has been the study of the animals; I remember my first books, about the description of the mammals, and my favorite one: my first book about the animal conduct.  By that reason I think I will be the greatest TV show explorer of all times! (Bear Grylls is too fake xD ).

The only what I need is study Zoology, I hope someday study that career! Is one of the things I more want to do in my life! Studying in the USA will be the better, or Australia.

My inspiration is certainly a guy called Jeff Corwin. I really like Steve Irwin and his enormous legacy, but Jeff was who makes me love that TV shows, with his program called “The Jeff Corwin Experience” that I watched in Animal Planet. The capacity of teach to everybody who is watching the program, carrying to the people to exotic countries, showing to them fantastic and unknown animals, and maybe, helping to create at the distance another Jeff or Steve J  

And well, I love his sense of humor too! He is a master!

See you!


viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Walking with the rain!

Hi bloggers! How are you?

I´m dying in this moment. I understand that some people love the heat and that all, but come on! 32°C in Santiago???? Do you really like an inferno like that? I respect the different opinions, but loving temperatures like that during the SPRING is ridiculous…and the summer is coming D: …. Damn homothermous system….

Well, the post of this week is about a walk I would like to do again. A walk brings to my mind a trip characterized by a landscape like a hill, or a road though the desert… but I don´t remember an activity realized by me in my life. In that case, I will talk you about a good memory related with the action of walk, above all with the awful context created by this absurd temperature.

On 2008, when I was in my last year of school, the class finished at 12:00 and a powerful rain was fallen above the city. The city was Rancagua, where my school was located. Everybody ran quickly to their houses, but me. I really like the rain, and I’ve always loved the winter and the autumn (only the second stage of this, by the arrival of the cold and the beginning of the rains!).  I saw the streets covered by water, the dark clouds and I felt the almost strong wind. I was so happy! And after that, I started my little journey around the city. The streets were practically without people and that was amazing too, because I don’t like the chaos created by the accumulation of people in the small places, like a sidewalk. My trip didn’t had something incredible or fantastic, only was the rain with me, both walking around an empty city. I’ve always remember that day, because simple things like that makes me happy J

I didn’t use an umbrella, and generally I don’t use that objects. Yeah, I know that my health could be in problems if I risk my body to situations of “bad weather” like that, but I would do the same again every time I would have the opportunity!  

See you!
Only leave your umbrella in home and enjoy the rain! :D

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

An explosive illness!

Hi bloggers!

How are you?

I´m tired, as every Friday, and well, it is my first on time-post in weeks! (Only two weeks exactly, not one month as says the teacher xD ). And well, the teacher says to us the order of do a “free post”. That phrase gives me so many complications every time xD … is easier for me to write an specific topic for week, a free post is so ambiguous! But well, after 30 minutes of indecision I found the perfect topic for this occasion: The Exploding Head Syndrome!

If you have never saw or listened about this disease don´t feel ignorance or anything like that. The only reason because I know about it is because one night the last years I had a lot of free time and I found it by chance. The stranger here is what I’ve suffered that illness, but I didn´t know the name. The exploding head syndrome consist in a very peculiar disease characterized by events of loud sounds like bangs in the head of the subject, very similar to a bomb exploding; and these take place during the sleep stage or during the transition from waking to sleeping. That could sound so crazy and hurtful, but fortunately that don´t is a great problem because it doesn’t involve high levels of hurt or serious complications, only the fact of to wake suddenly in the night, tachycardia sometimes but that´s all. Is not a blessing to wake in the nights because an absurdly annoying noise is ringing in your head, but is not all the time. This phenomenon happens only in fatigue or heavy stress situations, or that says the related investigation, very few investigations in any case.

If you want to know about a cure for this Syndrome, well, like this disease is product of tense situations and that is the conditional for the appearance of alterations of the sleep, is recommended any activity that involves an improvement of the sleep quality, and that could include reading, relaxing music, yoga or a hot bath before bed.

See you!

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


Hi bloggers!
Wow, I must accept I completely forgot write a post the last Friday, as I didn´t went to the class of that day. But well,  I will show you other interesting topic this week, as usually.

The future. Since I was a child, that word brings me the idea of a hyper-technologized world, with robots making our work, laser guns, flying cars and maybe some space monsters living with us… I think that crazy but very “normal” idea I had, was the product of the interaction of Hollywood with my brain. But leaving apart that future with a Jetsons-style, is the moment for talk about a nearer futuristic epoch.

In 10 years more, I think I will be (or I should be in that moment) a Geographer. A Geographer trying to do a mixture of that discipline I studied with one of my greatest passion: the Biology. A bio-geography with an animal view could be interesting. If my savings capacity allows me, I hope to live in a quiet place. I really like Santiago sometimes, but I think it is not a place for to live forever, for me at least.
But if I achieve earn so much money…well, Australia could be a priceless option :D !!!
In 10 years I will have 33 years old. I will be so old! But having that age, I hope to have my own family, with 1 or 2 children :D ! And my wife, obviously.

I will still having communication with my current friends? I hope it. An activity we want to do in the future is remember every stupid thing we did together. Those stories couldn’t be the better example for our sons, but I´m sure it worth it.

 I don´t believe that the world will experiment changes in a big scale during the next 10 years; the disappearing of little countries by reunification or the segmentation of other countries at most.  But talking about the global warming and that all, I don’t hope so many differences. Maybe another black president in USA… or in Chile, only lets your imagination fly!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Andrias Japonicus!

Hi bloggers!

How are you? I´m a little confused because I didn´t realize the teacher was in the lab when I thought he wasn’t came to the university today. Well, that was a strange way for start a Friday.

What’s the topic of this week? (Originally this week, I know that I made my last post too late xD ) Well, I’ve always been a fanatic of all the related with the nature, and above all, with the living beings. That includes trees, sponges, archaeas, dinosaurs, crustaceous, swans, jellyfishes, inclusive the protozoans! But loving them and all that, I’ve never had a pet… Maybe I had opportunities in the past for adopt one pet, but I decide share my life with one, only when I be independent, at least in my own economy.  
But thinking about the future, there are so many pets I would like to have! Sincerely I´m afraid of turn my first house into a zoo…But well, I have to choice for only one this time, so I will choice a little boy called “Giant Salamander”!

What’s a Giant Salamander strictly?  A Giant Salamander is that: an enormous salamander!

The salamanders are amphibians, although they could seem lizards, by their physical aspect. So the salamanders and the tritons too, have a skin so slimy and oily, like other amphibians.  A salamander likes the wetlands and they are found principally in Asia. As a crazy characteristic, a Salamander is capable of regenerate its limbs! :O Simply amazing guys!

But, a particular species likes to me since a lot of years ago. Is the called Giant Salamander, called of that way because it could have a length of almost 1.5 mts .!!! Only imagine that: you are resting a Saturday in the night with your friends, when suddenly, a giant Japanese lizard-but no lizard appears from the pool and all your friends scream and laugh for the senseless of the scene! Hahahahah that’s hilarious, but I love those animals! Sometimes they are unknown for the most of people and the people fear them, but they are so inoffensive, at least for a human being! So you have nothing for to worry about J  

For the last point, a curious thing about those guys is their long live: they could live at 50 years in captivity! So I believe it would be a good partner for a lot of years J

See you
